Pork & Century Egg Congee 皮蛋瘦肉粥

To continue with my congee maniac, I attempt to feed Mr.T with one of my favourite congee - pork and century egg congee (皮蛋瘦肉粥). Again, with left over rice, I made the congee base following the recipe from my salmon porridge and just alter the stock by using pork.

I sliced the pork thinly, lightly minced them to tenderize the meat and bring them to boil in a pot of water. When the stock is ready, season with salt to taste and add in the porridge base. Bring to boil again and let porridge simmer at medium low heat for as long as it take to get silky smooth porridge. In the mean time, cut half a century egg to small cubes (for one person consumption) and chopped some spring onions.

When the porridge is ready, add in century eggs, lightly stir for a while and then the porridge is ready to be served. Garnish with chopped spring onion. Mr.T refuse to eat it again, so I delightfully take up the responsibility to finish this wonderfully taste porridge. I like to add a dash of sesame oil and some freshly sliced ginger to my pork & century egg porridge. What about you?
